Friday, April 13, 2018

Week 12 Story: The Great Elephant

The Great Elephant was a nice story.  An animal who cares about human rather than himself was what I really like about this story.

The elephant who was staying in the desert by himself and he did not need anything or does not even have to leave desert for food or water.  He was really happy because he was handsome and nice and there was hardship for him that he has to face.  The elephant got whatever he need to live his life and nobody to tell him what to do.  He enjoying his moment and he heard the voices of mans.  Their voice was sounded unhappy and elephant walk in the direction that the voice was coming from.  Its naturally that you will go to voice that will sound unhappy and you think of helping someone.  That what happen with the elephant.  Once he reaches their he looked at the man and started pitying them.

It is the emotion that everyone feels this way and they will start pitying on them when they see someone is who is helpless.  The group of the people was hungry and did not had water and the elephant wanted to help them.  The elephant asks them why they were traveling and for what purpose they were traveling.  He asks the question what everyone generally asked and probably the reason for them to go through the desert.  They wanted food and water and did not had enough energy to make to another near town.  The elephant didn’t know how to help so he tells them to go the hill and soon after that the elephant went and jumped of the hill so they can eat him and gave them enough energy to make it to next town.  It was really sad that elephant did that to himself for the sake of the others.  He was really a nice elephant but I really did not like that he did that to himself.

Bibliography: Author Noor Inayat, The Great Elephant.

Elephant Died and Group of People who eat him.

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