Sunday, February 11, 2018

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part D

I really like Kumbhakarna although he was a huge demon and brother of Ravana, he was sweet towards the people he like.  The best part was him going to sleep for six months and only be awake for one day, in that one day he will drink eat and do whatever he wanted.  If I were be in his place I would never have able to stay up only one day.  Sleeping is great but in that amount of time he never get to experience anything or don't know what is going around him.  During the fight with Rama, he was the best warrior Ravana had who can defeat anyone beside Rama.  Hanuman who was never defeated was defeated by Kumbhakarna and the only one who can stand up to him was Rama.

Kumbhakarna character was him being nice and humble but because of his brother he had to become evil.  He never do anything that will make his brother Ravana angry at him, that is why he offered everything to him when he wakes up from his sleep.  The mightiest foe on the battlefield beside Ravana and he became bad because of him.  Back to sleeping habit I really like that, when I don't wake up in the morning my mom always call me "Kumbhakarna, get up you don't have to sleep till afternoon."  My dad and me, we both sleep till late until someone try to make us get up from the bed.

I can use Kumbhakarna in my story for my character who is sleeping and doesn't like to wake up.  While waking up he will cause more trouble. I am still not sure what type of character I will use because Kumbhakarna was big like a Giant.  It was hard to wake him up as it says in the reading elephant could not do anything because he was bigger than elephant.

Kumbhakarna fighting army of monkeys

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